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Augmented Tectonics

Fabrication | Hybrid Workshop | English | Asia-Pacific

Project Overview
As predicted by a physicist Michio Kaku in his book “the Future of the Mind”, construction using Augmented Technologies have started become common practices for architecture. Augmented Tectonics workshop will explore the construction processes within Mixed Reality environment. The workshop will be fabricating complex steel structure with attaching spray concrete panels, assembled through Augmented Reality technique using Hololens and Fologram (a Rhino/Hololens plug-in). “Augmented Tectonics” will explore the construction processes using Augmented Reality Technologies, fabricating steel structure and attaching precisely fabricated spray concrete panels. Our team has a combined background of design, fabrication and engineering, highly experienced with digital fabrication. Participants will be physically producing a 1:1 scale structure in TongJi University Campus exploring ways of using mixed reality to help designers to physicalize complex geometries that has been excluded for a while in CNC dominated digital fabrication research.

“Augmented Tectonics”工作营将探索使用增强现实技术的制造过程。在本次工作营中,我们选择了利用钢结构和喷射混凝土板的结合构造。我们将利用弯曲及焊接的方式来制造复杂形体的钢结构, 并连接精确制造的喷射混凝土板。我们的团队具有设计、制造和工程的综合背景,在数字制造和设计方面经验丰富。参与者将在同济大学校园内实际制作 1:1 结构。 视频展示的是在相同研究主题下的不同项目,探索使用增强现实来帮助设计师物理化复杂的几何图形。很多施工中人为的因素是不可必要的要素,但在目前 CNC,机械臂等主导的数字制造行业中被忽略了很长时间,我们相信-我们的工作营-利用增强现实技术的研究会给我们带来更多的可能性,探索人与机器的共享生态。

“Augmented Tectonics”는 증강현실기술을 사용하여 철골 구조를 제작하고 정밀하게 제작 된 스프레이 콘크리트 패널을 부착하는 건설 과정을 탐구하는 워크샵이다. 티칭 팀은 설계, 제작 및 엔지니어링의 배경을 가진, 디지털 제작과 디자인 경험이 풍부한 팀으로서 참가자들과 함께 온/오프라인으로 교류하며, 상해에 위치한 통지 대학교 캠퍼스에서 1 : 1 스케일 구조를 물리적으로 제작할것이다. 이러한 증강현실기술을 사용하여 복잡한 형태를 다양한 재료로 제작하는 연구들은, 기존의 로봇, CNC, 3D Printing등으로 제한되어있던 digital fabrication의 한계를 뛰어넘을 다양한 가능성을 제시할 것이다.

Teaching team
Soomeen Hahm 咸琇敏 함수민 (SD, SCI-Arc)
Igor Pantic (Bartlett UCL)
Wei Qiu (China Construction Science & Technology Group Co.)
Jianan Peng 彭佳男 (China Construction Science & Technology Group Co.)
Hanjun Kim 金漢峻 김한준 (SD, Bartlett UCL)
Mingyang Li (Tongji University)
TangGou 苟堂 (China Construction Science & Technology Group Co.)
Yan Wu 吴言 (China Construction Science & Technology Group Co.)


XingHang Fu 付兴航
Tongtong Ning 宁彤彤
mingmin Shen 申明敏
YiRan Shu 舒怡然
QiuTong Huang 黄秋童
Yihan Zhang 张一寒
ZhaoHang Zhang 张兆航
ShiLong Zhu 朱是泷
Yuxin Zhu 朱玉鑫

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